- Please keep Dan and Von Stogner both in your prayers. Von is in the hospital with pneumonia and Dan is having urological issues. Please pray for a quick healing for both of them.
A big THANK YOU to all the Hosts that are stepping up to help at the rally next week in their absence.
- Vera Bouse had foot surgery. Please pray for a quick healing.
- MD Gentry is still recuperating from neck surgery. Please pray for a quick healing.
- Carol and Ken Valk – Carol has been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer but it’s treatable with medication. Ken has to have a spot on his nose checked by a dermatologist next week. He’s prone to Basel cell skin cancers.
Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, please heal our family and friends listed above. Please include anyone else that might need your healing touch even if they are not listed. In your infinite wisdom, we know you know who they are and will wrap your arms around them and those caring for them. Thank you, Lord God.