Welcome !

We have updated our website!! Please feel free to check things out and comeback later to check out the new additions!!

Check out the Gallery page for photos of our 2023 rally’s or you can CLICK HERE. You can use the dropdown menu on the main page to see past Galleries.

Looking for the latest Newsletter? There’s a link to all of them in the menu bar above or you can CLICK HERE.


** March Rally Query


I have been asked to query the club regarding possible changes to the March rallies in future years.

Re: March Rally 2024 (and beyond)

Some have suggested we omit the March Rally or move it to another month for various reasons, such as low attendance, weather, etc.

Since this is part of our Standing Rules, we will hold a vote in April for this. Please consider this email your advance notice for that meeting.

The club has asked that we do a survey of the members via an E-Blast.

Cancel March Rally?    Yes_____   No_____

Move March Rally to a later date?           Yes______    No______

Please advise your preference by return email.


Club Swag

Looking for some Club Swag? Check out our merchandise and sign!

Click Here!


Contact Us

President –
Ron and Evelyn Lee
Phone Number: 405-642-7470

First Vice President –
Bob and Karen Rood
Phone Number: 405-706-6120