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** Prayer request for Cyndi Timchak


This is Cyndi Timchak asking for your prayers.

A few weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a – not real serious – small, soft mass of lymphoma cancer. I’m told by my Dr’s & medical staff, who are patiently leading me through the chemo process, that it is totally curable & should not return.

I know from my other surgeries, that Your Prayers 🙏 DO work.

You all are very special. I thank the good Lord for your friendship & prayers.

Hoping to be able to make the October rally & enjoy good friends 🙏 , good food & more fond memories. ❤️


James 5:16 says:

Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that YOU may be healed. The prayers of the righteous are very powerful and effective.

Lord, we come to you with our petitions for Cyndi, our dear ‘sister-friend’. She’s family and when one of our family members is in need, we step up to the plate and pray. We beseech You, Lord, to intercede on her behalf. May You guide the hands of the surgeon and the other medical professionals. Let them see what they can’t see, let them remember what they may have forgotten and let them fix anything that comes up unexpectantly. May Cyndi’s recovery be quick, easy and complete.



Club Swag

Looking for some Club Swag? Check out our merchandise and sign!

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Contact Us

President –
Ron and Evelyn Lee
Phone Number: 405-642-7470

First Vice President –
Bob and Karen Rood
Phone Number: 405-706-6120